Please support Jaywin Chia's brainchild (iViewhouse) and make us be around to serve your needs. Thank You!
Below are the ways that you can help us.
- Register, transfer and renew your domain name through iViewhouse here.
(open to anyone from anywhere) - Engage our Pano video production service here.
(open to existing and past i-Open-House members first) - Purchase Pano videos from us.
(in the process of development) - Sign up for Pano Shoot Training Class.
(Depend on demand and Jaywin's schedule. In the process of development) - Circle Jaywin Chia and all other iViewhouse Google+ Pages here.
(please sign up a Google+ account if you have not done so) - Pass the words about us around and recommend your colleagues and friends to circle us.
(there is always one way or another to help us be around. Thank you in advance.)
On the other hand (it always takes 2 hands to clap), we will
- continue to produce more contents in better quality that are relevant to help you to be more efficient and productive.
- recognise your level of support. We will give those of you who supported us during the beta period more priviledges once iViewhouse becomes a full-fledged service provider later.
Again, thank you in advance! Circle us and share about us now.